Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of Preschool....

Dear Gunnar,
Today was your first day of preschool, and it didn't surprise me one bit that you were anxious to go, and had no problem when I dropped you off. I, on the other-hand had an overwhelming sense of sadness, because of how fast you are growing up.

Here is what you looked like on your first day of preschool:

Here is a picture of you outside your classroom:

It's been a delight and a privilege to see how much you have grown into this cute little preschooler that is so well-adjusted, and I can't wait for the coming years to see you grow. I am so proud of the boy I sent off to school this morning. It was so fun to pick you up and hear how your day was learning about bugs, and crickets, and to hear from your teacher how helpful you were.

Thank you Gunnar, for choosing me to be your Mommy!




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